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Phone: 770.951.8427 | Fax: 770.951.2157
Address: 3330 Cumberland Boulevard
Suite 650
Atlanta, GA 30339

Custom Printer Friendly Pages

If potential patients are printing a page from your website, they like what you are saying and want to carry that message with them. The default print process includes all the elements seen on the screen when not all elements are instrumental to the message being printed. The result is a waste of printer ink, paper, and the potential patient's time. Printing non-essential items, such as a website's main navigation, unnecessary graphics, or overly large photographs, can frustrate potential patients.

Our website design and development team takes time to review the printed page and adjusts the output accordingly. We know patients don't like wasting resources, so we suppress the printing of web page elements such as the navigation bars and sub-menus. Content is formatted to fill and fit the printed page.

How do printer-friendly web pages help potential patients?

Printer-friendly pages provide patients with printed pages containing only the most important information such as:

  • practice name and/or logo
  • practice address & telephone information
  • page title
  • page content

Printer-friendly pages also help patients by:

  • saving printing time
  • saving paper
  • saving color ink

What do printer-friendly pages exclude?

Printer-friendly pages do not include the website background images or graphics that tend to use up lots of expensive color ink. While the color graphics add pizzazz to the website, they do not add value for patients seeking to print only the meaningful information, such as directions to your office.

Below is an example that shows the difference between a printer-friendly web page and a web page not formatted to be printer friendly.

Web Page

Printer-friendly Pages for patients

Standard Printed
Web Page

Standard/Unfriendly Printed Web Page for patients
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