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Address: 3330 Cumberland Boulevard
Suite 650
Atlanta, GA 30339

Responsive Medical Websites

Mobile devices are the fastest growing computing platform, and double-digit growth is anticipated into the coming years. The number of mobile users in every patient demographic is growing, and most website visitors choose a mobile device as their first choice when viewing websites. Everywhere you look (waiting rooms), patients are using their smartphones to access information whenever they want, wherever they are. A responsive website is a "must-have" tool for your medical practice to reach its target market!

Why Responsive?

Your Website Visitors

Responsive websites adapt to fit the size of the user's device or browser window. Website elements may re-size or re-position based on the user's "viewport". MMA's websites are developed to display properly on full-size monitors, laptops, notebooks, tablets, and smartphones.

Search Engines

If a website visitor cannot easily view your site on his mobile device, search engines will lower your website's ranking in their search results. Search engines crawl your website to determine if it is "mobile-friendly" and rank your website in its search results accordingly.

Mobile Apps versus Responsive Websites

  • Responsive Websites are Inclusive - A well-developed mobile app can increase your business, but many mobile apps are not developed for every mobile operating system. A well-designed responsive website, however, will not exclude populations of users from interacting with your site. Responsive websites are built for any mobile device that can access the Internet.
  • Responsive Websites Are Simple - Mobile device users need simpler, easier access to information than most full-sized websites provide. A well-designed responsive website provides mobile users with information organized for quick access to improve their experience including one-touch access to your phone number and interactive maps and driving directions.
  • Traffic to Your Website Will Rise - Your responsive website and social media pages will experience a boost in traffic because your website is responsive. When conducting searches on their phones, search engines rank mobile-friendly responsive websites higher in search results bringing more traffic to your website and to your other digital marketing platforms. Search engines don't list mobile apps in their results. More traffic to your website will ultimately lead to more patients in your practice!
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