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Phone: 770.951.8427 | Fax: 770.951.2157
Address: 3330 Cumberland Boulevard
Suite 650
Atlanta, GA 30339

Print Services for Medical Practices

Example of MMA medical practice marketing brochure

Traditional marketing is a critical component to any successful marketing strategy. Medical practices reap many benefits from implementing a cohesive branding strategy, from printed collateral materials to electronic media such as websites. Printed materials including business cards, brochures, postcards & announcements, rack cards, posters & flyers and letterhead are useful in expanding a practice’s name recognition. New patients, existing patients, referring physicians, hospitals, and other referring sources prefer having materials in hand to read, give out, and pass along.

From a single physician practice to a large medical practice, our firm has successfully assisted practices of all sizes with defining, implementing, and measuring marketing strategies. Give us a call today to discuss your marketing needs or if you just need help with simple print projects.

Choose an icon or service below to view examples of our work and to learn about each service.

Learn How MMA Can Help YouGET STARTED770.951.8427